Since the Acapella workshop at the Colville Village Arts Festival in May 2013, a group of us have been meeting to continue the buzz of acapella singing.
We do some stretching and vocal warmups to get into the zone, then plunge into learning some 4 part harmony songs. We've had those moments when we are in synch and the voices blend into one - which are so special. Then you get that natural high feeling from all that extra oxygen and endorphins flowing around in your brain, so you might arrive tired after a day's work, but you leave with a smile and sparkly eyes.
Songs we are learning:
Rounds: Come follow me ( Madrigal feel)
Music Alone Shall Live ( Die Musici)
SAB Jazz Waltz ( Composer, John Armstrong)
5 part Chant Timeless ( composer Maitreya Stillwater, Hawaii)
Thuma Mina (traditional from Lumko, Africa, via Brian Martin)
One Morning Soon ( trad Gospel, via Tony Backhouse)
Waiata: Ka Waiata ki a Maria ( composer Richard Puanaki)